Science verses creation verses evolution This web site operated by:-Alfred.

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Science verses creation verses evolution verses science.

Is there one you can guarantee is right?

How old is this rock? How old is this piece of timber burnt in a lava flow, how far to distant stars? Though science can give answers they are all based on some assumptions which we currently believe to be true. Many can be tested by science and measured accurately, radioactive decay is measured accurately at todays rate, but was it always thus, red shift is used to calculate the distance to stars, but Halton Arp and others have listed many anomalies showing that the red shift is not due to recession, as some are linked to objects and systems of a considerably different red shift. Halton's evidence is so convincing that he has been denied access to telescopes lest he finds even more proof that the red shift is not due to recession, it upset too many people who don't want to change their ideas from what they were taught, and that they are comfortable with.

These and other problems show that our science has a lot to learn, and extrapolating our present understanding into the distant past, the future, or to distance stars, may have some serious errors. Radioactive carbon 14C has a short life and should not be detectable after 50,000 years, but it is always detectable in coal, supposedly millions of years old, and also in diamonds, indicating that fossils and diamonds are less than 50,000 years old, not millions or billions of years. Fresh lava from volcanoes already has an age according to samples, so any lava deposits started with an unknown age when deposited so radiometric dating cannot tell the age of the deposit. Where the date of an eruption is known the radiometric date does not correspond because the lava started with an apparent great age, and different radiometric methods give discordant dates.

Back in August 1987 Stanford Research Institute International published a science report "THE ATOMIC CONSTANTS, LIGHT, AND TIME" by Trevor Norman and Barry Setterfield. Barry had found that some research could not be solved if the speed of light was constant, so he researched all the records he could find of past measurements of the speed of light. The best fit was a decay curve which is now nearly at its minimum, for those into electronics its similar to the decay discharge of a capacitor through a resistor, very steep at the beginning, very slow at the end. The scientific community was scathing in its attack as " everyone new that the speed of light was a constant".

The duration of a second was defined as a part of the earths rotation, but has now been determined as so many oscillations of a cesium atom, and we are run by atomic clocks because of their guaranteed accuracy over hundreds of years. The speed of light is in all atomic and many other parameters, so there are many measurements that should change slightly if the speed of light changes. Now we are getting many reports of changes indicating that light is not constant but is slowing down. Using atomic time indicates that the planets have speeded up in their orbits, requiring an enormous power to increase their speed, alternatively the atomic clocks have slowed down, which is much more likely, as other measurements indicate a slowing down. A constant that "everyone knew to be true" wasn't. So how many more things have we got wrong? Dating based on atomic decay must be wrong, the further back the steeper the decay curve was and the more drastic the error. The decay attributed to billions of years could be condensed to a few tens of thousands. There are other assumptions involved in radiometric dating, and paleontologists have always discarded any radiometric date they didn't agree with, but trumpeted acceptable dates as absolute proof of the age of the fossils or strata.

Creationist researchers got it right back in 1987, strongly opposed by evolutionists, but now 20 years later the scientific community is getting around to accepting the truth, the speed of light is not a constant. So who says that creationists don't do real science? Its just that they get too far ahead of the "stick in the mud" evolutionists.

The message that Darwinists convey to the public is often very different than what they recognize as true among themselves. Although they state to the public that, "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution," most scientists can "conduct their work quite happily without particular reference to evolutionary ideas" (Witham, 2002, p. 43).
One "notable aspect of natural scientists in assembly is how little they focus on evolution. It’s day-to-day irrelevance is a great ‘paradox’ in biology" (Witham, 2002, p. 43).
Evolutionists try to make you confuse evolutionary "science" with operational science, and lament the poor teaching of science as if evolution was essential to operational science, claiming that lack of evolution teaching means poor engineering, chemical and biological science. Claiming that America is falling behind because of a lack of teaching of evolution. I believe that it is the teaching of evolution that has destroyed the honesty and the drive to succeed, and has lead to a general apathy and lack of respect, leading to school shootings, murders and increases in crime, as there is no belief in having to answer to a god, nothing matters anymore, there is no purpose, no future, no morals so why bother! Only the God who created can give you any real purpose in this life and a guarantee of a purpose in the next dimension.
Evolution is about assumptions of the distant past, and should be taught as "ancient history assumptions" as not enough is known about the life and fossils of the past. The total lack of intermediates and the lack of some way to produce the needed increases in good intelligent design and function if evolution is true, leaves the paradigm sidelined as just a "recreational hobby" for those who like "story telling", or to be paid to fossick around in some loverly climate for bits of bones about which to make up fantastic stories.

Evolutionists deny that the "accidental" formation of the first reproducing entity is a part of evolution theory, this is because science has proved that unguided chemicals will never form into anything like RNA or DNA, they would form a useless mess instead. Then they claim that unguided accidents and mutations are the means by which evolution makes such fantastic progress, and yet the first accident that produced life, if it could happen, is not a part of evolution. Very much a pick and chose so as to avoid things that prove the theory can never happen, just another mental block to avoid the truth. The DNA or RNA contains a highly sophisticated program, specifying how to make enzymes, amino acids, proteins, sugars, polymers etc, and how to reproduce, making intelligent design seem very reasonable. (see "Dawkins Weasel on this web page for a better description), Life is vastly too complex to be the results of normally destructive accidents.

Talk of primordial mud pools, undersea volcanic vents, lightning strikes in lovely little chemical rich pools, is just a lot of nonsense intended to make it sound as if there is the possibility that once in billions of years it is certain to happen, spouted by impressive scientists who should know better, and usually know that it is impossible. So why do they make such claims? If they accept that evolution is impossible then they must admit that we are not an accident, somebody created us, and they don't want to accept that, because first it belittles their ego and expertise, second it makes them subject to the creator, who has rules and expectations, they are not their own. The thought of having to "toe the line" to suit some higher authority is absolutely abhorrent to them so they want the company of as many as possible to salve their conscience, and stop, if possible, all the reminders that there is a God to answer to.

Consider if evolution of life is an essential concept for an accountant, motor mechanic, industrial chemist, salesman, even a microbiologist, or whatever is your employment or any that you aspire to. Does it help you to learn maths or geometry, geophysics, manufacturing or electronics? How then can it be that not teaching evolution is causing USA to fall behind in industrial progress, which is what some evolutionists are claiming. No, it is just a useless leftover from old imaginations, a waste of time and effort, a redundant evolutionary artifact.

This is not to be confused with the actual science of searching for and finding fossils, because these things did exist, but excludes the suppositions and reconstructions by mixing up parts from different creatures, such as was done with Lucy, and making up claims that go far beyond what can actually be scientifically supported by the findings. Also excluded is the fanciful claims of how one species evolved from another, the ancestors of whales, horses, hippos, birds, they existed, and do, but there is no scientific evidence for evolution, when found they are fossils of a known species or are termed "living fossils" if thought to be extinct, but are found to match a living entity, if not extinct, as they are the same as their descendants, they have always bred after their own kind.

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URLs with scientific information on the subject or guidance not based on hype.

True Origins.
The web site, True Origins, has a strong scientific basis covering the source of life, thermodynamics, biological origins, and includes many science references for most of the articles. Some of the research quoted within research papers on trueorigins is done by evolutionists who try to fit the data into evolution, and are puzzled because it often does not fit the theory, so some fanciful story telling is done to make it seem OK. However, the research papers on true origins usually show how it fits in logically, in accordance with the rules of science, which usually supports creation more than evolution.

If you have been snubbing God because you believe in evolution, you need to read about the many things that show that evolution cannot happen. One good evidence is the tiny acid driven rotary motor that is in every cell of your body, to produce ATP, from ADP, the cells energy fuel. Read "ATP The perfect Energy Currency for the Cell", and other evidence at:-

True Origin -Fascinating, easily understood data on evolution's problems. Presents the creationist side of the debate. Includes many articles and audio and video files of debates and discussions on the issue. Extensive scientific and general interest Articles, showing how well most science and fossils fit into the biblical perspective. Comments on evolutions problems and National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and Teaching about Evolution. A section on creation/evolution and some articles on prophesy, some of which is still ahead of us, showing that someone back then knew the future.

About family life and values:-
Focus on Family values - Guidance for a good life style, that is based on good principles.

Above Rubies -See the latest experiences and testimonies at Above Rubies.

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